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Title: Directions for Issuing Identification Cards to the Staff of Diplomatic Missions in the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Their Family Members Ch
Date: 2012.12.27
Legislative: Originally promulgated by Official Letter Wai Li San (74) Zi No. 3342, on December 4, 1985.

Revised by Official Letter Wai Li San Zi No. 09430031530, on December 9, 2005.

Revised by Official Letter Wai Li San Zi No. 09630012770, on May 11, 2007.

Revised by Official Letter Wai Li San Zi No. 09930075250, on July 27, 2010.

Revised by Official Letter Tiao Er Zi No. 10125006720, on August 31, 2012.

Revised by Official Order Wai Li San Zi No. 10131505070, on December 27, 2012.





1.          The issuance of identification cards (ID cards) to the staff of diplomatic missions in the Republic of China (Taiwan, ROC) and their family members shall be governed by these Directions alone, unles­s otherwise prescribed in treaties or agreements, or where special permission is given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). The privileges and immunities are granted to the staff of diplomatic missions in Taiwan and their family members where reciprocal treatment is granted.


2.          The ‘staff of diplomatic missions’ referred to in these Directions are the staff of foreign embassies, consulates, international organizations, as well as foreign missions in Taiwan accredited by MOFA in accordance with the Statute Governing Privileges and Immunities of the Foreign Missions and Their Personnel in the Republic of China.


These Directions are not applicable to any individual mentioned in the previous paragraph who holds ROC citizenship.


The ‘Family Members’ referred to in these Directions include the spouse, children, and other family members forming part of the household of the staff of diplomatic missions, and, where reciprocal treatment is granted, their parents.


Privileges and immunities shall not apply to any family members who hold ROC citizenship or permanent residency. Such individuals may use the ID card solely for the purpose of identification and as a certificate of residence.


The ‘Parents’ listed in Paragraph 3 of this Article refer to the legal parents of the staff of diplomatic missions or of their spouses who live with them in Taiwan. Parents residing in Taiwan as family members of the staff of diplomatic missions are not permitted to hold a job. The ‘Children’ listed in Paragraph 3 of this Article refer to (a) those who would be considered as underage according to the domestic law of their country of citizenship; (b) those who are of majority age but are registered as full-time students at public or private schools in Taiwan; and (c) those who, accredited by MOFA based on principle of reciprocity, are of majority age but are unable to live independently due to a physical or mental disability. Children below the age of seven and registered under the passport of one of their parents may apply to be listed as registered on the ID card of that parent.


3.          Four types of ID Cards are issued in accordance with these Directions:


(a) Diplomatic ID card (Green Card);

(b) ID card for officials of international organizations (Purple Card);

(c) ID card for officials of foreign missions (Blue Card); and

(d) ID card for private servants of the heads of diplomatic/foreign missions (White Card)


Parents and adult children of the staff of diplomatic missions and other family members forming part of the household, who have obtained ID cards in accordance with these Directions, are not covered by diplomatic privileges or immunity, unless otherwise prescribed in bilateral agreements or where reciprocal treatment has been accorded. Such individual may use the ID card solely for the purpose of identification and as a residence certificate.


4.          ID Cards will be issued by MOFA in accordance with the following principles:


(a)    Green Cards will be issued to the diplomatic agents and consular officers of foreign embassies and consulates and their family members;

(b)   Purple Cards will be issued to the head, deputy head, and experts of international organizations in Taiwan and their family members;

(c)    Blue Cards will be issued to the head, deputy head, and diplomatic staff members of foreign missions in Taiwan and their family members; and

(d)   White Cards will be issued to private servants employed to serve and having the same nationality as the head of foreign embassies or foreign missions in Taiwan.


5.          For the initial application, the following documents must be submitted to MOFA’s Department of Protocol by the relevant diplomatic mission, which shall also prepare an official letter addressed to MOFA:


(a)    a completed and signed Application Form for an Identification Card as well as an Application Form for a Uniform ID Number;

(b)   a 2-inch color photograph taken within the last six months that clearly shows the applicant’s features and is set against a white background;

(c)    a copy of the applicant’s passport; and

(d)   a copy of the applicant’s ROC visa.


6.          Except for ID cards for private servants, which are valid for a maximum of one year, ID cards are valid for a maximum of two years. If the remaining validity of the applicant’s passport is less than two years, the validity of the ID card shall  correspond with that of the passport.


Application for renewal of an expiring ID card may be submitted to MOFA’s Department of Protocol by relevant diplomatic missions during the two months prior to the ID Card’s expiration.


7.          Upon losing the ID card, the card holder shall file a report with the police, and then submit proof of having done so along with the documents stated in Article 5 to apply for a replacement. The application for replacement shall be submitted to MOFA’s Department of Protocol by the relevant diplomatic mission, which shall also prepare an official letter addressed to MOFA.


If the official status of an ID card holder has changed or the ID card is stained, damaged, or become unfit for use, an application for replacement shall be submitted to MOFA’s Department of Protocol by relevant diplomatic missions, which shall also prepare an official letter addressed to MOFA.


8.          When an ID card holder leaves the post in Taiwan, the relevant diplomatic mission shall send an official letter, along with the departure form filled by the staff member and the ID card, to MOFA’s Department of Protocol for the ID card to be cancelled.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System