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Title: Organization Act of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ch
Date: 2011.11.14
Legislative: Promulgated by Presidential Order Hua Zong 1 Yi Zi No. 10000252451 on November 14, 2011

Article 1 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall establish the Bureau of Consular Affairs (hereinafter referred to as “the Bureau”) to administer consular affairs.

Article 2 The Bureau shall be in charge of the following matters:

1.     Issuing Republic of China (Taiwan) passports and endorsements therein;

2.     Issuing visas to holders of foreign passports;

3.     Authenticating documents related to consular affairs;

4.     Coordinating and handling emergencies involving ROC citizens traveling abroad;

5.     Coordinating with local governments and non-governmental organizations to promote municipal diplomacy, international activities, and so forth;

6.     Planning, developing, and operating information systems used in consular affairs; and

7. Handling other matters related to consular affairs.

Article 3 The Bureau shall have one Director-General at senior grade 13, and two Deputy Directors-General at senior grade 12.

Article 4 The Bureau shall have one Chief-Secretary at senior grade 11.

Article 5 The ranks, grades and number of positions of Bureau staff shall be governed by a separate organization chart.

Article 6 The date that this Act enters into effect shall be gazetted by the Executive Yuan.

Data Source: Laws and Regulations Retrieving System